The following schedule is not final and is still subject to changes,

Friday, October 6th, 2023

Time Main Track
Smith Ballroom
Track 2
Rooms 329-327
Rooms 296,298
8:30 Registration Opens
9:30 Opening Remarks
9:45 Keynote: Joe Grand - Troublemakers and Superpowers
10:45 15 Minute Break
11:00 This Chip Does Not Exist: Pre-Silicon Fuzzing LAPSUS$ is winning Purple Teaming with Detection-as-Code for Modern SIEM
12:00 Come Together: A framework for a shared security language China Recon 101: Finding Nation State Infra with Almost Free Tools
12:30 Easy Mode Deception Technology Deployments @ Scale Essential Logs Pyramid SIEM
13:00 Bastardo Grande: Hunting the biggest black market bike fence in the world I like to MOVEit, MOVEit Digital Forensics and File Recovery Workshop
14:00 Take control of your career: A panel with Industry Leaders Following the metadata trail
15:00 Securing your Open Source Project Purple-teaming outbound HTTPS Insider Threat IR: A Hands-on Zero to 60
16:00 Gone Tishing: Abusing Microsoft Teams Security Misconfigurations for Webhook Hijacking and Other Shenanigans Engineering Privacy From the Get-Go
16:30 Using Sigma as a Gateway to Detection Engineering Building a programming environment for privacy and iterative learning
17:00 Closing Remarks
17:15 Drinks + hors d’oeuvres
18:00 After party: PSU bowling + movie night
20:30 Doors close

Saturday, October 7th, 2023

Time Main Track
Smith Ballroom
Track 2
Rooms 329-327
Rooms 296,298
9:00 Registration Opens
9:30 Opening Remarks
9:45 Keynote: Kymberlee Price - A Blameless Retro on Security
10:45 15 Minute Break
11:00 Fun With Zero Knowledge Execution Environments From Light to Router: Reversing an IoT Smart Switch Capture The Flag (CTF) With Feedback And Hints
12:00 Improving UEFI Binary Analysis within Ghidra How And Why To Gain Technological Advantages By Harvesting Entropy From An Unsuspecting Public
12:30 So you want to hack AI… We Have C2 at Home - Leveraging Microsoft’s C2 Framework
13:00 Biking past vendor lock-in VectorDumper: Redteam adventures with VectorDBs Badgelife Creator 101: Making Your First Electronic Badge
14:00 License to Pwn: How Two Muppets Hacked into a Fortune 500 Company in < 6 hours From Patch to Shell: The Twists and Turns of Exploiting a Hardened Platform
15:00 Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data A Gentle Introduction to Understanding Fuzzers Network Protocol Fuzzing With Boofuzz
16:00 Closing Remarks
16:15 BSIDES Portland 2024 Planning begins