TL;DR: If in doubt, don’t take photos or videos. If you do, don’t include anyone without explicit permission.

Before taking any photos or videos, first ensure you have the permission of everyone who will be in the photo or video. This includes those who may be in the background of your shot. Crowd shots taken from the front (those facing the crowd) are strongly discouraged. If you’ve mistakenly taken a photo or video without permission, delete it.

If you are asked by a participant to delete or blur a photo or video containing their likeness, please do so immediately. BSidesPDX does not grant authority to participants to publish photos, videos, or any other representations of other participants at the event without their consent.

Some of our presenters may request no photos/videos/recording of their presentations due to concerns over safety. This will be announced and stringently enforced.

By attending BSidesPDX, you consent to being filmed, recorded, and/or photographed, wherein your image, voice, and likeness may be used by the event producers. If we are asked by a participant to delete/blur their image in a photo or video that may be utilized for promotional purposes, we will do so.

BSidesPDX provides “no photo” identification to participants who wish to display it. The absence of this identification does not mean that consent is automatically granted. We use this identification to remove or blur the images of those identified from our official videos, streams and photography.