We have NO TOLERANCE for physical/verbal/sexual harassment.

We encourage everyone to be a part of creating a Community where anyone can feel comfortable, have fun, learn, and exchange ideas about Security. BSidesPDX supports an environment where ideas can be freely expressed and challenged in a way that is also free of harassment of any sort.

Examples of unacceptable conduct include (but are not limited to:)

  • Heckling or interrupting speakers (or other attendees)
  • Unwelcome/repeated sexual advances or physical contact
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, recording, etc.
  • Abusive speech or actions that unreasonably interfere with the conference experience
  • Anything that compromises human safety

Escalation path

If you have a concern relating to this code of conduct, find a BsidesPDX Volunteer.

They will help you locate a Coordinator or Board member, who will assist you in determining the next steps for you to feel safe and heard. BSidesPDX will take action to deal with unacceptable conduct, up to and including removal of offenders from conferences, events, and online spaces.