The following schedule is not final and is still subject to changes

Friday, October 25th, 2024

Time Main Track
Smith Ballroom
Track 2
Rooms TBD
Rooms TBD
8:30 Registration Opens
9:30 Opening Remarks
9:45 **Keynote: **
10:45 15 Minute Break
11:00 Threat Actors Interest in AI - Separating Hype from Reality Building a Windows WMI System With No Windows Knowledge Resume Tuning Workshop
12:00 Can LLMs Take Our Jobs? AI-Assisted Detection Research Clearing the FOG: Unveiling the Latest Ransomware Trickery
12:30 What I Learned About Security from Auditing Data Centers Oops! … I did it again: Security Pitfalls and how to avoid them
13:00 Leave your corporate masters and come work for government! Building Bulletproof AWS Environments with Secure CDK Constructs Incident Response for Artificial Intelligence: Playtest New Tabletop Exercises with the AIRCTL Project for fun and stickers
13:30 The Badge Talk Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Ensuring Software Integrity
14:00 Rudder Nonsense: Steering Smart Rowers Off Course Securing the Future: Tackling Q-day and Leap-day challenges with CodeQL
15:00 Bastardo Finale: Wrapping up years of OSINT work chasing professional criminals on the internet What the Function: A Deep Dive into Azure Function App Security Roll Your Own EDR/XDR/MDR
16:00 Asymmetric Impact: Adventures in funding infosec research Beyond the Hacker Stereotype: Exploring Cybersecurity Careers You Didn’t Know Existed
16:30 Modern Medium Data Pipelines for Breaches, Hacker Style Using Stardew Valley as a C2 client and infostealer
17:00 Closing Remarks
17:15 ** **
18:00 ** **
20:30 Doors close

Saturday, October 26th, 2024

Time Main Track
Smith Ballroom
Workshops A
Room TBD
Workshops B
Room TBD
Workshops C
Room TBD
9:00 Registration Opens
9:30 Opening Remarks
9:45 **Keynote: **
10:45 15 Minute Break
11:00 ORDER NOW! Using Infomercials to Make Better Presentations Capture The Flag (CTF) With Feedback Intro to Generative AI security ThreatShop: Intro to Web Vulnerabilities
11:30 Breaking Build: Red Teaming CI/CD Pipelines and GitHub Actions
12:30 CI/CD jobs don’t care about US budget cuts: why mirroring software vulnerability data matters
13:00 There is no Purple just a good relationship between Red and Blue
13:30 Graphing the Insider: Innovative Applications of GNNs in Insider Threat Detection So you’d like to present at a conference An Introduction to Generative Security Applications Visualizing memory allocations with Windbg and p5.js
14:30 Your vuln wasn’t patched: Life on the Blue Team or how I learned stopy worrying and love the risk
15:00 Canary Tokens - why and how to implement them and related gotchas
16:00 Closing Remarks
16:15 BSIDES Portland 2025 Planning begins